General Expectations
Every student is expected to be neat and clean, which is part of our dean. Students must wear the GIS uniform at all times, as long as they are on school campus. Please contact the main office, at [email protected] if you have any questions about the uniforms.
GIS Uniforms may be purchased at the following stores:
- Children’s Place
- Old Navy
- Walmart
- Make sure to order your uniforms by July 12th , in order to receive them in time.
- If purchasing from any other site or store, they MUST be uniform products.
All Students:
Shoes: Black only, solid colored: uniform or dress style, to be worn with regular uniform. NO Designs/Patterns (Logos, flowers, Butterflies, Stars, etc.) Socks must be worn with shoes.
Hoodies: Navy Blue hoodies ONLY . Solid color only. NO Designs/Patterns (Flowers, Butterflies, Stars, etc.)
PE Shirts: Navy Blue T-Shirt (full sleeves or half sleeves) NO Design Patterns
PE Pants: Navy Blue Pants. NO Tights or Leggings)
PE Shoes: Sneakers; Any Color, During PE only
Girls Uniform

Boys Uniform

GIS reserves the right to require students to purchase new uniforms if the uniforms they have are not in good
condition. Any student who is not in proper and clean uniform may be sent home or parents may be asked to
bring correct/clean uniforms to school