Supply List

Pre-K Kindergarden 1st Grade 2nd Grade
Hand Sanitizer
Hand Sanitizer
Hand Sanitizer
Hand Sanitizer
Clorox Wipes - 3
Clorox Wipes - 3
Clorox Wipes - 3
Clorox Wipes - 3
Tissues - 2
Tissues - 2
Tissues - 2
Tissues - 2
Paper Towels - 4
Paper Towels - 2
Paper Towels - 2
Paper Towels - 2
Supply Fee - $50
Supply Fee - $50
Pencils - 2 Boxes 24 ct
Change of Clothes
Change of Clothes
Pencils - 2 Boxes
Lunch Box
Lunch Box
Color Pencils - Crayola
Colored Pencils
Glue Sticks - 4
Blanket and Pillow with Cover for nap time
Prayer Rug
Glue Sticks - 4
Pencil Box
Pencils - 2 Boxes 24 ct.
Highlighters - 3 Colors
Pink Erasers - 4
Loose Leaf Paper (Wide) - 4 pkg
Widerule Loose Paper and Green and Red Widerule Composition Notebooks
Pocket Folders w/ 3 Holes - 6 (2 of Each: Green, Red, Orange)
Folders w/prongs - 6
Pink Erasers - 4
Dry Erase Markers - pkg of 2
Cap Erasers - pkg
Construction Paper
Markers - Box of 8
Construction Paper
Index Cards
Prayer Rug
Lunch Box
Prayer Rug
3rd-4th Grade 5th-6th-7th Grade Quran Arabic
Hand Sanitizer
Hand Sanitizer
White Erase Board
Plastic Folder - 1
Clorox Wipes - 3
Clorox Wipes - 3
Paper Towels - 2
Paper Towels - 2
Plastic Folder - White
Tissues - 2
Tissues - 2
Loose Leaf Paper- (Wide Ruled)
Large 3-ring Binder (4-5in)
Six Subject Dividers (For Binder)
Dry Erase Marker - 2
Six Subject Dividers (For Binder)
Pocket Folders - 8 (2 of Each: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow)
Markers - Box of 8 & Highlighters - 3 Colors
Notebooks (College ruled) - 6
Glue Sticks - 2
Glue Sticks - 2
Pen & Pencils - 1 Box 24 ct. & Box
Folders w/3 Holes - 6
Markers - Box of 8
Spiral Notebooks (Wide Rule) - 5
Loose Leaf Paper (Wide Rule)
Highlighters - 3 Colors
Pencils - 1 Box 24 ct.
Pencil Sharpener
Pink Pencil Erasers - 4
Highlighters - 3 (Different Colors)
Dry Erase Marker - Pack of 2
Loose Leaf Paper
Pencil Sharpener & Erasers & Pencil Cap Erasers - pkg
Graph paper (grid)
Lunch Box & Backpack
Geometry Compass
Dry Erase Marker - Pack of 2
Lunchbox & Backpack
Prayer Rug
Prayer Rug

SubhanAllah - We have received your information, and we will be in touch with you prior to the school year for additional Information